Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Regional Professional Unity Conferences

A quick note as I have had a number of queries about these conferences.

At the Professional Unity Conference on 1st March 2014, a proposal was made to hold regional conferences to take the message of unity out across England and Wales.  This was then written into the Professional Unity motion which was passed by NUT Annual Conference 2014 and became official NUT policy.
The NUT Professional Unity Committee met on Thursday 6th November and received a further report of progress on this (there was a report to the previous meeting in October).

Whilst we appreciate the importance of such conferences and the need to stimulate discussion in the regions around the possibility of forming a new Union for all teachers, the committee was also keen that these conferences be held jointly with any other teacher union willing to be involved.

It seems that there is a very real chance of organising these conferences jointly with another partner and, in view of this, the committee has been willing to delay on confirming details in order to secure a joint series of events.  We hope to be able to announce full details of the first conference soon.

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